Drawlloween 2016 Day 3: Mummy Monday

Day three of Drawlloween.

Today is MUMMY MONDAY and I added a mummy exhibit to the carnival sideshow and had the poor, embalmed fellow getting his wrappings tangled in one of the carny’s poorly-maintained rides that is going off the rails. The poor fellow was just trying to get some popcorn. Here is the original black and white inks in the sketchbook:

click to make larger

click to make larger

"Carnival Creeps" and "Mummy Monday" ink. Click for larger image.

“Carnival Creeps” and “Mummy Monday” ink. Click for larger image.

This really cried out for some color. Here is the scanned in image with color added in Photoshop:

"Carnival Creeps" and "Mummy Monday" in color. Click for larger image.

“Carnival Creeps” and “Mummy Monday” in color. Click for larger image.


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