Caricature Resolution 2017

Even though I hate to add yet another nagging, daily chore to my routine, I can’t help but appreciate the results of joining a daily exercise regimen (for both body and portfolio) such as the “Drawlloween” art challenges I have done the past two years.

Now (a week late) I find out there is a similar challenge just for caricature artists, called Caricature Resolution. I will let the text from the group Facebook page explain it:

January 2017: one caricature a day!! Caricature artist Patrick Martinez was really inspired during #Inktober with the concept of doing a drawing a day for a whole month. It got him thinking why not do it with caricature? So here it is #Caricatureresolution2017

In the month of January we will attempt to draw a caricature a day! We encourage others to join and participate at your own risk! Patrick had a lot of fun making this list, each actor was in a movie with the previous listed (except for the last three).

As I said, I was a week late hearing about, and deciding to join the challenge, so I had to do some catching up and decided the best way was to use the same sketchbook I use for Drawlloween. Since the listed celebrities had movie roles in common, I put all the Batman villains on one side and all the Pulp Fiction actors on the other (though Uma could fit into either one.)

Tomorrow I will start on the daily caricatures. I could use the practice, because my normal “party” caricature style is purposely not very exaggerated or mean (for obvious reason, if I want to get paid) but this is an opportunity to not only practice better caricatures in terms of exaggeration (which, really, a “caricature” should be, not just a cartoon portrait, but also in terms of keeping the resemblance, something harder to do, the more exaggeration you put in. At least, it’s seems harder to me.

days 1-3

Days 4-6

So let the month of caricatures (a week late) begin!

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