Drawlloween 2016: Day 19

Day 19 is: Witchcraft Wednesday

Trying to make the two drawings work together in the sketchbook spread, I wanted to make the shadow on the other page coming from something unexpected on this page. I ended up with a mutating Great Pumpkin on a giant vine that Sally Brown has brought to life though some type of occult spell of which she is capable as she is a witch. All of this is freaking Linus out.

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Drawlloween 2016: day 18


Specific ones like this don’t leave you much room to be different or creative, so I just pick one of the cool images from the F.W. Murnau’s 1920s silent film and tried to emulate it as best I could with just a pen and paper and my eye looking at a reference shot.

It sort of leaves the blank page next it creepier than usual.


Dawlloween 2015: Day 4

Day 4 is VAMPIRE and again, in an attempt to make it unique and funny, hopefully, I combined two great vampires. The creepiness of the silent movie depiction of NOSFERATU combined with the vitamins and minerals and choclatey goodness of COUNT CHOCULA’s whole grain and marshmallows cereal are a part of this complete breakfas—  er entry into the day 4 of Dralloween 2015:

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