Category Archives: Things I just did
A Load of Toons
New Year, New Cartoon
Back after Delay
Festive Fun with Figures!
Now in Living COLOR!
Mountain Xpress has changed to a new format that includes smaller size, stapled pages, better printing and most importantly: the ability to print in COLOR on every page. So now I don’t have to wonder whether or not the color strip I produced will show up that way or in muddy gray tones instead any longer. Here’s the new comic for this week, in color (as always, on the web) and probably in color in the print version now as well woo hoo!
Action Figure features
At least a few new action figure features have been added to the usual places. See links below:
Wild Things
Compact Car
noo toon
My Post Election Cartoon
Dork Night with the Dark Knight!
Finally put those Dark Knight Movie Masters™ figures to use in an action sequence but could not decide on whether to shoot it as night or day. So I did both: