Drawlloween 2017 – Day 12: Ah! Reel Monsters!

Drawlloween 2017 Day 12 is:


Acknowledging the pun, but still taking it literally, I used the characters from Nickelodeon’s “Aaahh! Real Monsters!” 90s cartoon and portrayed them as the classic Universal movie “reel” monsters from the movies Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman and The Creature from the Black Lagoon.


2012 Mountain Xpress Halloween Art

The local alt-weekly paper in Asheville, NC that I draw a weekly cartoon for asked me to draw a humorous Halloween and Election cover for the issue that would fall on the week of both those events.

I gave them some roughs and thumbnails and sketches for some classic monsters (Dracula, Mummy, Invisible Man, Frankenstein’s monster, wolf man, etc.) and, on a different tack, maybe a jack-o-lantern and a ballot box?

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We ended up doing some of them voting in different, yet appropriate ways:

The invisible man is voting, of course, absentee ballot and a ghost voting reinforces the often-cited claim that dead people are voting in our elections, incurring the wrath of an angry, 17th century voter fraud mob. Dracula and his vampire fangs prefer punch ballots and Frankenstein’s creature doesn’t know his own strength when even using a tombstone touch screen ballot.

2012 Halloween cover for Mountain Xpress by Brent Brown

2012 Halloween cover for Mountain Xpress by Brent Brown

They liked the Republican elephant Frankenstein monster and the Democratic donkey Dracula, so I ended up drawing both of those for inside illustrations:

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Finally, the weekly cartoon I also have to draw was a Halloween-Election theme too:
