Drawlloween 2017 – Day 13: Friday the 13th

Drawlloween 2017 day 13 is:


Well, that would be the appropriate choice, of course, but also kind of specific when we all are expecting the Jason Voorhees character from the movie franchise of the same name. I wanted to honor that again this year, but how to do it a bit differently than just drawing Jason again? So, considering Friday is also my weekly deadline for the local cartoon for the local alt-weekly paper, I had to do a less work-intensive version of this puntastic mashup of Dragnet star, Jack Webb as main character of few words, JOE FRIDAY, of the 13th precinct (or badge number 13, or something to make it work) as the man behind the hockey mask with a twist on his iconic line, “just the facts, ma’am.”

Drawlloween 2016: Day 13

Day 13 is of course: THURSDAY THE 13TH

I almost phoned in another one today, but spent a little more time on it than the copout yesterday.

I figure Jason Voorhees must feel like he has the day off when the 13th is on day other than Friday, so he probably stays home eating popcorn and watching shows that come on Thursday nights, like…..

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