Drawlloween 2015: Days 24 and 25


Day 25: MUMMY

These two prompts seemed made for each other (to me, at least) as both are antagonists from 80s cartoons. SKELETOR from “Masters of the Universe” was thwarted by He-Man almost as often as MUMM-RA was by his nemeses, the “Thundercats”.

Both seemed awfully ripped though, for never actually being seen in the gym. I decided to show Mumm-ra’s pre-bulked up phase and Skeletor’s more-appropriate-for-his-head body and them fighting over the steroids that they must be taking to get such gains with no lifting or protein powder.

Inked in the sketchbook and scanned in to be digitally colored in Photoshop.

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Drawlloween 2015: Days 22 and 23

Day 22 is: CANDY

How about these JOLLY RANCHERS? They seem to be pulling on a COW TALE!

This was a fun one to come up with. Combining two candies in a bucolic scene that would later link to the next day’s less-wholesome prompt….

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Day 23 is: GORE

I’m sure the prompt was meant to be the noun, GORE, not the verb GORE, but I went this way to both be different, and to have the Cow “TALE” from the previous page belong to a bull goring the unlucky runner wearing the traditional attire for Pamplona Spain’s famous “Running of the Bulls” event.

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Here is the full spread colored (inked in and then colored in the book with colored pencils and scanned in for uploading to the site.)

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Drawlloween 2015: Days 20 and 21

Day 20 is: SKULL

Day 21 is: 8-BIT ZOMBIE

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Thinking ahead about how to link these two prompts, I made the “SKULL” belong to Pac Man and had the grieving Ms. Pac Man identify said skull, as well as the rest of the classic arcade game character’s skeleton at the morgue, helped by a Pac Policeman.

This seemed okay in black and white, but then next day was 8-Bit Zombie and that really cried out for some color. The irony is, I drew the “pixels” out by hand in the sketchbook (making a grid out of light pencil lines) and did the color digitally on the computer. The now-dated 8-bit look of classic video games gives us a pixelated zombie that had just bitten Pac-Man, giving us a flashback to how he came to be dead in the morgue the day before.

Dawlloween 2015: Day 4

Day 4 is VAMPIRE and again, in an attempt to make it unique and funny, hopefully, I combined two great vampires. The creepiness of the silent movie depiction of NOSFERATU combined with the vitamins and minerals and choclatey goodness of COUNT CHOCULA’s whole grain and marshmallows cereal are a part of this complete breakfas—  er entry into the day 4 of Dralloween 2015:

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