Drawlloween 2015: Day 11

Day 11: RAVEN

Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poem is an obvious choice here, so I tried to do the old switcheroo again and made the writer the nuisance and vice versa the bird the author.

I idid not combine this one with the next day’s prompt, as I had forgotten a day and tried to combine day 12 and day 13 in one drawing, as you will see tomorrow in a combined post.

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 10

Day 10 is:


So, in another hilarious mashup, I combined the Xenomorph from “Alien” with the lovable extraterrestrial from “E.T.” and the result is below:

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To show how this one works with the drawing from yesterday, I scanned in the whole two-page spread of the sketchbook:

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 9

Day 9 is:


I inked in a character from AAH! Real Monsters, KRUMM, but drew him as realistically as possible, rather than in his normal cartoon form. Also, to add to the hilarity, replaced one eyeball with a Magic 8-ball (because the prompt only said Eye BALL, singular) to stay within the rules.

Starting now, I plan to try to combine the days that appear on a two-page spread of my sketchbook, as they are seen that way in person when looking at it and I think it will add an additional, fun challenge to the process.

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 8

Day 8 is:


Zombies are pretty played out at this point, much as I love them. So trying to find a new way to draw one, I played my “Old Man card” and did this one implying that those raise-frassin’ “kids today” are just staring at their gol’ darn phone devices all durned day, like a bunch of… well you get the picture. Not that I don’t have my iPad in front of me when watching TV at home, even during zombie movies…

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 7


A traditional Halloween trope. I didn’t do anything funny or clever on this one, but I did pick a specific haunted house: the one from the original The Amityville Horror movie.

Inked horizontally in sketchbook:

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and scanned in and levels set better to eliminate brush strokes and lighted paper:

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 6

Day 6 calls for PUMPKIN:

I had to put a spin on the usual Jack-o-Lantern, so I reversed the roles and had the pumpkin carving a human and getting out all the messy insides before lighting a candle to illuminate the creepy gourd-replacement.

Inked in sketchbook, scanned in and for the first time, colored digitally in Photoshop:

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Dawlloween 2015: Day 4

Day 4 is VAMPIRE and again, in an attempt to make it unique and funny, hopefully, I combined two great vampires. The creepiness of the silent movie depiction of NOSFERATU combined with the vitamins and minerals and choclatey goodness of COUNT CHOCULA’s whole grain and marshmallows cereal are a part of this complete breakfas—  er entry into the day 4 of Dralloween 2015:

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Drawlloween 2015: Day 3

The Day 3 prompt of “Goblin” had me trying to decide which kind and since I couldn’t pick either Spiderman’s nemesis, The Green Goblin or the officious Goblins who run the Gringott’s Bank in Harry Potter land, I decided to combine them in what I hoped was an original idea, but of course, I saw at least one or two others with the same idea.

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